Fender Deluxe Active Jazz Bass RW (Mexican) Reviews 5

I purchased this baby in Vienna, Austria at Citymusic for about 850 Euros, but we got 115 Euros back at the border, so it was 735. I bought it because of the U.S tuners and U.S active Pickups ( Active JazzBasses are not too popular at bass players)

Mine has beautiful sunburst finish, with brown shell pickguard. The active electronics is fantastic! You can get all the sounds you want out of these pickups, from Jazz to Hardcore. Also, it has a very unique sound. It is also nice from Fender to give a Gig bag, which is very good quality. Tuners are also nice, Bridge is OK.

When I first saw the guitar, it had polish-material remains on, but a good rub made them disappear.

It seems that Fender means the word DELUXE: No flaws in Finish, (except the remains I mentioned, but no paint job flaws), American Hardware, good factory setup. What else could you ask for?

Oh wow I'm gonna keep this bass forever.

Bazs rated this unit 5 on 2003-04-18.

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